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Silver Plating Plants


We are Manufacturer of Silver Plating Plants from Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.

The Silver Plating process gives mirror bright and hard silver plating with anti-tarnish effects. Besides, it is mainly used for electrical (switch gear) & electronic components that are generally exposed to high humidity environment.

Silver is generally used as a cheaper replacement for gold. Silver plating is also used to plate variety of artificial or real jewelleries & antiques
Process Compositions & Operating Conditions. Applications & Features
BRIGHT SILVER SALT- Bright Silver salt 250 g/l It gives mirror bright
and hard silver
plating with anti tarnish effect. Mainly used for electrical (Switch Gear) and electronic components. Used in artificial/real Jewellery.
-BSS-20 (METAL 14%) Silver Brightener Ag-500 A 50 ml/l
  Silver Brightener Ag-500 B 30 ml/l
  Current Density 1-2 A/dm ²
Silver plating offers the following advantages :

  Silver has highest electrical conductivity when compared to all other metals
  Silver has high electrical and thermal conductivity
  Silver is corrosion resistant
  Silver has excellent solder ability
  Despite being tarnished easily, silver can be cleaned and polished
Silver Plating Plants Silver Plating request
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Our Products
  MIP Coating Plants
  Insulating Coating Machine with Fluidised Plants
  Spray Painting / Powder Coating Booth
     with Baking System

  Spray Painting Systems
  Baking Oven
  Liquid Painting System
  Automatic Spray Reciprocators
  Servo Based Automations
  Robotic Systems
  Bending SPM
  3 Axis Bending
  Pipe Bending
  Strip Bending / Roll Form
  Welding Automation
  Welding SPM
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