Working closely with our customers, the plant required is specified and supplied - which means most production is customized. The relationship with our customers often involves constant development of the plant and systems we supply, and IAR is the CREATIVE solution provider making its customers profitable and successful.
Recent years have seen growing exports of surface treatment plant, especially to Asia, which has contributed to accelerated development of our concept. Advanced Electrical control systems for electroplating plant are employed, build in modules with PLC for machine control, linked to a touch screen PC for communication with the operators and history-viewing.

Rapid restart in the event of power outage.

Ability to run a wide range of product types, each with its own process.

Control of external units.

Absolute measurement of trolley location using laser measurement.
Our complete
Automatic Paint shop Plants work on component & spray-paint technology to provide uniform & better finish with noticeable labor saving. These Automatic Painting Plants are, diligently designed by experts, incorporating various advanced technical features for the assurance of efficient functioning.
Our Automatic Surface Treatment plants Comprises of:

PLC Programming for automatic application of the complete Plant

Transporter Structures for Plating of components.

Internal & External Painting.

Baking ovens

Conveyorised Automation


Fixed mountings

Rotary tables

Rotary hangers

Component indexing

Automatic Spray Guns – Conventional / HVLP

Paint feeding and re-circulation system